Decision-making and End-of Life-care in Emergency (DandELinE)

The Decision-making and End-of Life-care in Emergency (DandELinE) project supports inter-disciplinary emergency teams with tools, decision support and resources. The model emphasises shared decision-making between the patient who is approaching the end of life, their family / carer and the treating team. This enables good medical practice in the Emergency Department and care the is provided in the patient’s best interests and aligned with their wishes and values.   

The DandELinE model focuses on early assessment of patients at or near end-of-life in the Emergency Department. The DandELinE process pathway is not designed to be strictly followed in sequential order – the information provided serves as a reminder that a palliative approach may be the most appropriate emergency care plan.

Resources to support implementation:  

DandELinE resources:

For more information, visit the Clinical Excellence Queensland Improvement Exchange.

Last updated: 17 June 2020