Supporting the Community through a School Based Traineeship Program

Initiative Type
Education and Training
Last updated


In response to the aging population, the increase in chronic disease, increasing number of individuals retiring from the health sector, future demand for health jobs in the Logan area and local unemployment rates, Logan Bayside Health Network is targeting school based trainees to build workforce sustainability in the local region. This program seeks to provide students in years 11 to 12 with knowledge of career pathways within the health sector.

The project team are;

Karen Webster, Assistant Director of Nursing, Logan Bayside Health Network, Metro South Hospital and Health Service.

Lorraine Stevenson, Director of Nursing and Midwifery Services, Logan Bayside Health Network, Metro South Hospital and Health Service.

Jessica Staunton, Nurse Educator, Logan Bayside Health Network, Metro South Hospital and Health Service.

Key dates
Jan 2016
Jan 2018
Implementation sites
Logan Hospital, Redland Hospital
The current model is supported by multiple stakeholders including; Logan Bayside Health Network nursing teams, OSMAC Group Training (Group Training Organisation), TAFE Queensland, Department of Employment Small Business School and families.


Promoting heath care as a career choice to the youth in our local community. Addressing workforce needs whilst supporting local community and social needs.


  • Provides a sustainable workforce solution
  • Provides an education to career progression pathway
  • Supports youth in the local community


We know that the demand for nursing jobs in the future will not be met by the available workforce. Demand will outstrip supply. We have an aging population, increase in chronic disease coupled with a decrease in workforce numbers with only 3 per cent of year 12 completers looking to enter the health care industry. To meet demand we need 1 in 4 school leavers to enter a career in health. So how do we engage students and promote a career in health throughout their early years to ensure we promote practice innovation and workforce sustainability?

Solutions Implemented

Requirements for students completing the traineeship are;

  • Certificate III in individual support
  • Practical placement 1 day per week over 12 months (minimum of 375hrs = 50 paid work days)

Evaluation and Results

As at 2018, the program has a 100 per cent completion rate with all twenty trainees progressing onto Bachelor or Diploma studies. Fourteen of these trainees are currently employed across Logan and Redland Hospitals as Assistants in Nursing following the completion of their traineeships. Two recent graduates of the program have received a Trainee of the Year Award for their region along with one trainee taking out the South East Region Trainee of the Year Award in 2017.Some students have been the first in their family to go on to Higher Education, with others pursuing choices in wider healthcare such as pathology. Student graduates are highly regarded in the hospital and are often first choice for recruitment.

Lessons Learnt

The program truly reflects practice innovation and workforce sustainability through nurse led initiatives. The school based trainee program provides professional capability through the completion of a formal qualification and is a stepping stone to further study. It attracts and retains student into healthcare careers, nurtures and supports their passion for health and learning to meet the needs of the profession and community into the future.

Further Reading

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Key contact

Karen Webster
Assistant Director of Nursing, Logan Bayside Health Network
Metro South Hospital and Health Service
(07) 3089 2780