Leading the Way for Cultural Change - Developing a High Performing Workforce

Initiative Type
Service Improvement
Last updated


The ‘Leading the way for culture change’ initiative details the change journey that Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQHHS) is undertaking to develop a high performance workforce and become an employer of choice in Queensland.

Leading the way for culture change | 2018 Clinical Excellence Showcase from Clinical Excellence Queensland on Vimeo.

Key dates
Jan 2017
Jan 2018
Implementation sites
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
Centre for Leadership Excellence (CLE), Clinical Excellence Division (CED) and Performance Curve


Increasing leadership and management capability across the health service, and creating a positive workplace culture with high performing teams that are delivering the objectives of Destination 2030.


  • Implementing initiatives to increase workplace stability and employment security
  • Staff are more involved in service management, design and delivery
  • Visible and accessible leadership achieving a high performance culture
  • Builds a values-based organisation
  • Delivers transparency in performance reporting
  • Ensures increased community visibility


Research has proven that satisfied and engaged employees deliver higher performance outcomes and increased patient safety and satisfaction. Following the 2016 Working for Queensland survey results, which identified the need for improved organisational culture, CQHHS has been developing a leadership capability framework that will create and embed a leadership mindset across the workforce and most importantly at the front line of our business.

Working with CED, a comprehensive suite of programs has been endorsed as the critical components for the leadership development strategy and is being implemented over a three year period. This program is supported by local strategies including:

  • Quarterly Leadership Summits, engaging employees from all professional streams seen as critical to progressing the culture change desired
  • Internal pulse surveys that contribute to workshop sessions on the agenda of each summit
  • Local leadership and capability development targeted programs
  • Embedding our CQHHS Values into all activities and behaviour
  • Reintroducing our staff Rewards and Recognition program.

To further embed the programs implemented with CED, CQHHS has engaged Performance Curve to work with its leaders to promote successful and sustainable change in the organisation and to develop high performance teams across the service. A program of leadership workshops facilitated by Performance Curve, as well as sessions at each of the Leadership Summits, further contribute to developing and embedding our high performing teams.

Evaluation and Results

The 2017 Working for Queensland survey provided a clear indication that the changes being made are having a direct, positive impact on the organisation with CQHHS being the most improved Health Service in the State as well as achieving one of the top five most improved outcomes across all Queensland Government agencies.

Lessons Learnt

CQHHS is pleased and confident with the progress made to date under Leading the way for cultural change however we also acknowledge that there is still a significant body of work to complete. We still need to finalise existing projects and achieve further positive cultural change as we work to embed high performance teams focused on delivering our Destination 2030 objectives. 

Further Reading

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Key contact

Shareen McMillan
Manager Workforce Culture and Performance
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
(07) 4920 5636