Ultra-V™ Disinfection Robot

Initiative Type
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The Ultra -V disinfection robot utilises no-touch ultraviolet light decontamination, in conjunction with current hospital disinfection processes, to provide more reliable terminal cleaning of patient environments, reduce healthcare associated infections and improve environmental hygiene. The Ultra -V produces ultraviolet light radiation (UV-C, wavelength 100-280nm) which exerts broad-spectrum germicidal activity through the breakage of molecular bonds within bacterial and viral DNA, destroying micro-organisms. Indications for use include enclosed and vacated spaces (e.g. single patient rooms, bathrooms, operating theatres, treatment rooms).

Key dates
Sep 2017
Sep 2019
Implementation sites
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Healthcare Improvement Unit


Provides an opportunity to pilot and evaluate new technologies within 'real world' clinical settings in the Queensland context.


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Improved environmental hygiene-reduction of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) in the patient environment.
  • Reduction of patient length of stay due to MDROs – improved patient flow.
  • Reduction in the number of subsequent terminal cleans required due to MDROs.
  • Reduced patient to patient transmission of and healthcare associated infections.
  • Reduced patient anxiety and dissatisfaction resulting from MDRO acquisition.
  • Increased environmental staff satisfaction.


This technology was funded through the New Technology Funding and Evaluation Program (NTFEP). The NTFEP funds the introduction and evaluation of new technologies that:

  • Are safe and effective
  • Provide better health outcomes
  • Provide value for money
  • Provide greater access to care.

The evaluation findings will inform recommendations regarding the future use and/or investment of the technology within Queensland.

Evaluation and Results

Key findings will be published at the end of the evaluation period.


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Key contact

Jacqui Thomson
Manager, Healthcare Evaluation and Assessment of Technology
Healthcare Improvement Unit
(07) 3328 9283