Clarity® Autoscan

Initiative Type
Last updated


The Clarity Autoscan system allows prostate position to be monitored in real-time during radiation therapy, through the use of an ultrasound (US) probe placed against the patient’s perineum. The prostate can move up to 2.5cm during treatment, displaced by rectal and/or bladder filling. The Clarity Autoscan system is intended to monitor prostate position, to ensure that radiation is correctly delivered to target tissue. This increases tumour control probability, and reduces off-target radiation side effects on nearby male pelvic structures, such as the rectum and bladder.

Key dates
Sep 2017
Sep 2019
Implementation sites
Townsville Cancer Centre, The Townsville Hospital
Healthcare Improvement Unit


Provides an opportunity to pilot and evaluate new technologies within 'real world' clinical settings in the Queensland context.


The potential benefits of this technology includes:

  • The Clarity Autoscan system should interrupt treatment if the prostate moves out of target position.
  • A reduction in treatment toxicities should lead to improved patient quality of life.
  • The Clarity Autoscan system should be well tolerated by patients, and most should be comfortable during treatment.
  • The Clarity Autoscan system should result in improved oncological outcomes.
  • The Clarity Autoscan system should allow for disinvestment in the use of fiducials.
  • Radiation therapists are anticipated to become rapidly proficient in using the Clarity Autoscan system.


This technology was funded through the New Technology Funding and Evaluation Program (NTFEP). The NTFEP funds the introduction and evaluation of new technologies that:

  • Are safe and effective
  • Provide better health outcomes
  • Provide value for money
  • Provide greater access to care.

The evaluation findings will inform recommendations regarding the future use and/or investment of the technology within Queensland.

Evaluation and Results

Key findings will be published at the end of the evaluation period.


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Key contact

Jacqui Thomson
Manager, Healthcare Evaluation and Assessment of Technology
Healthcare Improvement Unit
(07) 3328 9283