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Showing 10 of 118
Clinical Excellence Showcase 2022

In total, close to 30 per cent of the Medical Officer workforce in West Moreton Hospital and Health Service (HHS) was lost with no available coverage during the first few months of COVID...

Hospital in the Home

Promoting and re-establishing Hospital in the Home (HITH) - Acute Care @ Home (AC@H) service - at Princess Alexandra Hospital.

HITH service is a hospital substitution service of...


Compassionate care is central to person centred care. Along with the safety and costs reductions associated with person centred care, placing the person at the centre of their care and keeping...


Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) have complex clinical needs and multiple co-morbid conditions. Only a few of these patients receive dialysis, however with or without dialysis, there are...


REMODeL is an innovative care model for people with type 2 diabetes that challenges the concept of ‘routine’ clinic visits to the specialist diabetes service through remote monitoring, automated...


Centre of Rural and Remote Clinical Support Unit, in collaboration with Torres and Cape HHS and Workforce Strategy Branch are leading the development of Queensland Health’s governance process to...


Gold Coast Health has one colposcopy nurse, but with the increase in referrals to the colposcopy clinic we needed to increase our nurse colposcopy capacity. There are no training programs in...


The Oral health workforce optimisation project is a team-based model of care developed to see patients off the general waiting list. Each patient is booked a comprehensive exam with an extended...


The Minor Injury and Illness Clinic (MIIC) is based at Caloundra Hospital within the footprint of the previous emergency department. The service opened on 27th March 2017, the day the Emergency...


The Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) acute care support service (RaSS) model provides care in partnership with general practitioners (GPs) and RACFs to increase patient choice of care...

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The Rural Immersion Placement Program – Allied Health (RIPPAH) is a wrap-around support clinical education initiative. Students express interest in a RIPPAH experience to...

HERCULES is a heparin quality improvement project that aims to improve safety, care and experience of patients on IV heparin through a holistic, evidence-based approach....

Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Services (CHQHHS) has empowered its workforce, young people, families and care partners to pursue innovative ways to minimise...

The Child Development Service (CDS) at the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS) is a pioneer in integrating pharmacists into paediatric disability care,...

Addressing cardiac risks for psychiatric patients in rural and remote areas has led Cairns Hospital and Health Service (HHS) to conduct a validation study of a new, ultra-...