Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service

The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service (PSQIS) partners with consumers, the health workforce and key stakeholders to support Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) minimise patient harm, reduce unwarranted variation in health care and to achieve high-quality patient-centred care.

Our teams


The Support Team are responsible for the business processes of PSQIS. These include finance, human resources, marketing, and event management for the wider PSQIS branch. It provides secretariat support to the Patient Safety and Quality Assurance Committee (PSQAC) and the Directors of Clinical Governance Improvement and Implementation Partnership (DCGIIP).


The Assurance Team is responsible for monitoring and compliance functions to support a number of patient safety and quality initiatives and improvement projects. The team monitors HHS compliance to accreditation against the National Safety and Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and provides advice to support HHSs in meeting the NSQHS Standards. The team also monitors and supports HHSs in completion of statewide recommendations from coronial inquests.

Other compliance activities are associated with legislative monitoring, review and publication of Hospital and Health Service self-assessments against the Clinical Service Capability Framework (CSCF) and Quality Assurance Committees (QAC), including the function of hosting the Queensland Maternal and Perinatal Quality Council (QMPQC).

The team supports the development and maintenance of various resources including clinical incident management and open disclosure.


This program is responsible in partnering with clinicians and consumers to address system-wide gaps in best practice, development of effective statewide strategies, and the provision of resources designed to improve clinical care.

Through the use of improvement and implementation science, this team supports the deployment of evidence-based tools and resources to support HHSs to reliably deliver best practice care.

Rapid Response

This program responds to emergent patient safety issues through the coordination of a statewide response. The Rapid Response Team is responsible for crafting and issuing definitive advice through the Office of the Executive Director, PSQIS, using for example, formal patient safety notifications, to support Hospital and Health Services and the Department of Health resolve these critical issues.

Survey and Audit

The Survey and Audit Team manage the real-time collection and reporting of Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Queensland Health using an online system. Patient feedback collected through PREMs and PROMs supports our clinicians to partner with patients to achieve safe and high-quality care.

Support is also provided for MARS (Measurement Analysis and Reporting System), assisting HHSs to collect and report safety and quality audit data electronically used as evidence towards meeting the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.


The Programs Team co-design clinical and educational tools and resources with HHSs and consumers to support healthcare staff, patients and carers in the provision of safe, high-quality, patient-centred healthcare. Key programs aligned to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards include Early Warning and Response System tools, Informed Consent , Ryan’s Rule and Comprehensive Care specifically Falls and Pressure Injury prevention.

Analytics and Systems Teams

The Analytics and Systems Teams are responsible for the review and development of clinically reliable and appropriate patient safety and quality indicators and the design, collection, interpretation, statistical analysis and presentation of patient safety and quality data and information.

These teams manage and support a number of patient safety information systems including: Inform My Care web site, VLAD CM (Variable Life Adjusted Display Clinical Monitoring); the Patient Safety and Quality dashboard; and RiskMan. These information systems enable HHSs to Identify, monitor and address patient safety and quality issues with timely, meaningful and accurate information.


Contact us

Phone: +61 7 3328 9430
Postal Address: GPO Box 48 Brisbane, Queensland 4001 Australia

Last updated: 16 August 2021